
International Congress of Caucasian Studies


International Congress of Caucasian Studies

October 3-5, Tbilisi, Georgia

The Congress is a prestigious event keen to create a platform for academics, researchers and students to share their research findings in the fields of: a) Language and Literature; b) History; c) Ethnology; d) Archaeology; e) Art History.

The past and present of the Caucasus will be discussed in regional and intra-regional context.

The Congress will be held in hybrid format.

The Congress is organized by Tbilisi State University’s Ivane Javakhishvili Institute of History and Ethnology, Ilia State University’s Giorgi Tsereteli Institute of Oriental Studies, and Georgian National Academy of Sciences with financial support from the Shota Rustaveli National Science Foundation of Georgia [Grant number CS-II-22-223]

The Congress is dedicated to Mariam Lordkipanidze and Thomas Gamkrelidze.


Requirements: Original papers have to be presented at the Congress.

Congress languages: Georgian and English


July 15 – Submission of the abstracts of around 300 words

August 15 – information of selected participants.


Congress costs:

Participation fee: free of charge

Travel: covered by the participants

Accommodation: four nights will be covered for the selected participants


Abstracts as well as any questions should be sent on the following address:

caucasiangate@tsu.geInternational Congress of Caucasian Studies,



International Congress os Caucasian Studies


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